

We are The Maggie Valley band


Whitney and Caroline Miller, the sisters of The Maggie Valley Band, are a blend of country and indie rock that captivates audiences with their heartfelt melodies and authentic storytelling.

From their humble beginnings, their sound and presence have evolved, taking them from the sunny shores of Florida to the vibrant music scenes of Toronto and the breathtaking landscapes of Utah, all while on tour. Their dedication to their craft has led them to collaborate with notable artists, including Grammy Award-nominated David Mayfield, Eleventyseven's Matt Langston, and Zakk Garner, further honing their musical prowess and expanding their reach.

The Maggie Valley Band is more than just a name; it symbolizes the sisters’ commitment to their roots and their belief in the power of music to connect people across diverse backgrounds. With each performance, Caroline and Whitney invite listeners into their world, sharing stories that resonate with joy, heartache, and everything in between. Their journey is a testament to the magic of music and the unbreakable bond of sisterhood.

In 2024, TMVB released the EP “I’m Gonna Die”, “Vibe Check”, and “Doomed” under the production of Matt Langston of EleventySeven and Rock Candy Recordings. In addition to expanding new horizons as they began to work with Zakk Garner of Nashville.

In 2025, TMVB will release songs under the production of Matt Langston and Zakk Garner.

TMVB's career has led them to share stages with Sarah Shook + the disarmers, the Foxies, Jason Isbell, Infamous Stringdusters, Robert Randolph & the Family Band Black Lillies, Indigo Girls,Brent Cobb, Donna & the Buffalo Lonesome Riverband and many more!


Vocals, Guitar, Harmonica / Whitney Miller

Vocals, Bass / Caroline Miller

Vocals, Drums / Zach Blount






News & Updates


No matter where you catch The Maggie Valley Band, you are sure to enjoy their brand of Americana as only two siblings playing together for a lifetime can bring.
— Independent Mail News
As sweet vocal harmonies and the catchy twang of the banjitar kick in on the opening track listeners will be totally caught off guard by the melancholy, loss, death and despair that is to follow.
— Chris Martin, Atlanta Auditory Association
“Whitney and Carolina Miller of the Maggie Valley Band have a fresh take on an old country sound. Their brand of “dark Appalachian music” will simultaneously crush your soul and send your heart soaring.” 
— Meeghan Kane, Auntie Bellum Magazine
In addition to the harmonies, The Hardest Thing turns a fresh spotlight on the band’s assured competence with Appalachian music and retro touches such as midcentury ‘60s influences.
— Ken Ulmer, The828
The Maggie Valley Band captures the heart of Appalachia. Their music is genuine in that it resonates deep within the band members before an audience hears even a chord. In a society consumed with instant gratification and idols of endless genre, The Maggie Valley Band surfaces strength, heart, and traditions of simpler days.
— Jessie Kerr
What really sets the group apart is the almost chilling vocal harmony of the sisters Miller. There is a weight to the music here that occasionally echoes The Band at its best. The group’s songs are filled with evocative images of timeless struggles. It usually takes a lifetime to write the kinds of songs these talented sisters have already created.
— Scenes Media
“The sights and sounds of the MVB might be more electric nowadays, but the sense of purpose and evolving talents behind them — the hell or high-water mentality — remains stronger than ever.”

— Garett Woodward, Smoky Mountain News, Rolling Stones
Something New, Volume I (2020). Produced by Jantzen Wray.

Something New, Volume I (2020). Produced by Jantzen Wray.

Tougher Than Me Single (2020). Produced by Rock Candy Recordings.

Tougher Than Me Single (2020). Produced by Rock Candy Recordings.

"The Hardest Thing" Album.Produced by David Mayfield 2018 $12

"The Hardest Thing" Album.

Produced by David Mayfield 2018 $12

Don't Go EP (2016) $6.00

Don't Go EP (2016) $6.00

TMVB Campfire style Mugs-Black or Teal style. 12 ounces. $20 plus shipping.

TMVB Campfire style Mugs-Black or Teal style. 12 ounces. $20 plus shipping.


I”m Gonna Die Music Video - 2024

"Good Times" TMVB's newest track from the EP "Something New Volume 1" out 8/28/20!

The Hardest Thing by The Maggie Valley Band. Video by Joel Andrews.

Contact us

Contact us here or at or you can call us at (727)-514-2854 for all booking inquiries, website problems, press inquiries, or a general "hello". Either way, we'd love to hear from you! For booking please contact our booking agent, Lee Wahl at